Thursday, April 17, 2008

Childlike, a story of hope

This answers a question I've had for a long time, I'm ashamed to admit: what exactly is meant by the Bible verse listed below?


Our Daily Devotional:

Let Children Come

Mark 10:15 NIV: I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

What do you see in your childhood eyes? Looking back to days gone by, what do you recall the most? How did you view the world? How did you view yourself? How did you view God? In childhood years, everything is big and new. Pain is severe, and happiness is more wonderful than our strongest laughter can express. In childhood years, the world is so very big, and we are so very, very small, and God, God is the greatest question yet to be answered. Is it any wonder that the greatest Wonder can only truly be experienced with the wonder of childhood eyes? Christ, Wonder of wonders He is. He still holds great wonder for His children. To any who will embrace Him with the faith of a child, He offers the world, a world that is so very big, so very wonderful and new, and so very exciting. Such a world is ready for you to experience today if you will look on Christ through childlike faith. He still entreats, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."


written by Randy Chambers

I hold on to these words tightly, close to my heart. Life is so crazy and uncertain right now, and I feel like I've lost my innocence a hundred times over in my adult life. So I keep this verse in mind, so that I don't forget - I don't want to be the kind of adult who has forgotten what childhood is like!

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